Sunday, May 25, 2014

In My Heart

I knew in my heart, you where always there
In the light of day and the darkness of night
I felt reassured by your ever loving presence
The mirror captured a mere reflection of Soul
I reached out calling your name with my love
The dream stirred the reality of what I knew
Love flowed into every gap until I felt whole

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Loving Life

Life appears so loving, as it opens its heart to me
Looking around I can see the beauty and wonder
Happiness flows like a river of endless abundance
I am content just breathing in the essence of love
The more I feel the more loving life appears to be

© Tryphena Louise Willaims

Passing Through

The thought passed through:

One of my pass times is changing the flow of thought
Some thoughts pop in and have a very negative flow
These thoughts I very quickly fill with the light of love

The light of love helps us to see the underlying cause
I feel this way for a reason, and I want to know why
Staying in a place of love helps us to reverse the flow

Being love is living the love, it is a seeing and feeling
I've found a love within me that I have not felt before
I cannot describe the feeling of it presence within me

I look around my life and feel overwhelm by the love
My journey of loving life is very humbling experience 

© Tryphena Louise Williams

A Promise

A promise is a promise I said to the self
With love I need to follow this through
Look in the mirror and what do you see
Before you is a self made image of love
A promise is a promise I said to the self

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Stranger's in Love

The feelings grew stronger as the heart felt loved
Life's about love and sharing our love with other's
The stranger's found a golden thread of their love
Soon the friendship bloomed in a very caring way
Each listened and shared more about how life was
Love is being there for each other no matter what
It's laughter, it's spiritual discussions, it's knowing
It's a feeling that is always there wherever you go
When we fall in love the world around us changes
Love means more than the heart can ever express
I love you and I am not sure why, but I really do

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Rain

The rain fell softly forming puddles on the wanting soil
Life is flowing with love, like tear drops heavenly felt
The stillness is constant, as life manifests the change
Love is filled with light, contentment, it is a state of bliss 

The Voice of Silence

The voice was like a melody of spheres
It was with words of wisdom it did speak
In love there is nothing to know or touch

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Love and Care

We need to find a way to love each day
The sharing of our love, is the only way

From heart to heart, we listen and share
It's living our lives and showing we care

© Tryphena Louise Williams


The wind howled around the seeker
As if to try and hold the seeker back
Behind them was a void of darkness
Ahead shone the burning light of love

© Tryphena Louise Williams

The Moutains

Short and Sweet

I found my love in the worlds above
In the feelings of your words of love

If you need me, if you really love me
Then open your heart, and let me see

© Tryphena Louise Williams

The Pond

The wind sent ripples across the surface of the pond
Everything changed as the ripples distorted the view
Deep in my thoughts I observed the lights movement
Gone from sight was what I had seen before the wind
So little is known about the secret worlds beyond here
In my silence I observed the ever changing flow of love
I felt detached and I knew this is how life needed to be
Without a second look back I returned to my own home
Loving life is a journey we may never fully comprehend
All that I am, is all I have a need to be, in love I am free

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Without Complications

Without complications you can feel the true essence of love flowing into your life.
You can see the beauty of life in the simply things; it is a feeling of not wanting
Looking around you is like seeing a new world, it is taking time out to enjoy life
Be happy and your cup will flow with love; love's not something we seek to own

© Tryphena Louise Williams

Soul a Seeker of HU

The ocean waves whipped up a tease

Steady she goes God help me please
Soul was a seeker of the golden heart
The distance horizons began to spark
The ocean waves an enchanting sound
Was this true love the seeker had found
Copyright © 2012 Tryphena Louise Williams


Pick your thoughts like you were in a garden of love picking the most beautiful flowers to share with others

© Tryphena Louise Williams

In Contemplation

In contemplation I met with Wah Z

 I asked him what did I need to see

 In the light of love don't look back

 Follow your nudge to stay on track

 Give your love and follow it through

 And you'll know what's best for you

 Listening I heard the Master's voice

 What needs change, is your choice

 I opened my eyes and sung the HU

 The love I knew, was pure and true

The Holy Grail

What we resist must be resolved
I'm peeling back each layer of life
What triggers the thoughts in me
Am I not worthy of the love within
The shadows need the light to see
Will you step into the light with me
What if I can't hold life's Holy Grail
Do not offend or abuse with might
Defend the love with all your light
I am not a shadow of my past life
No resistance must there ever be
I seek to find the inner most core
© Tryphena Louise Williams

The Worlds of Alone

The voices became still as the mind slept
I felt at peace in the worlds of the Alone
The pressure I felt upon me soon faded
I was free to dance in the canopy of stars

I romanced the moon in my poetic way
The musical spheres were a pure delight
All was happy and joyful in this world
Love filled every dream I could dream

In my worlds souls loved you honestly
Each knew the love within each other
Heart to heart mutual feelings flowed
Then the mind woke from its slumber

The ways of mind unsettled the heart
Too many rowdy background voices
Love’s a shelter for my heart’s desire
I felt protected wrapped up in its love

I ask for nothing except for the love
The gifts as given were of my heart
© Tryphena Louise Williams



The Reef

A gentle motion of the oceans swell

 Colorful corals of awesome splendor

Fish abound with glistening colours

Crabs scuttle about from rock to rock

Sea anemone’s with sticky tentacles

Shafts of light piece the hidden reef

A stunning beauty hidden from man

Mother Nature’s treasure chest of life

The hunted and the predator together

Life is plentiful in the mass numbers 
© Tryphena Louise Williams

The Darshan

The eyes of soul can see into your heart
The truth is seen in the lights reflection
The gaze of soul pierces your core being
The love opens the heart within the light
The presence of love appears before you
The Master of the love gives the Darshan
The blessing of the highest knowable love
© Tryphena Louise Williams

The Play of Maya

Deep in my thoughts I wondered about life

About where I had been and what I had done

I couldn't seem to reconcile what I was feeling

The outer child wanted to run away from it all

While the inner child seemed at peace with life

The battle raged out of control I was confused

Yet in my heart I knew everything was not real

The Master of Illusion controlled my thoughts

Like a puppet dancing with emotional strings

Fighting back I cut the threads of the illusion

The moon shone from a sky filled with stars

There was a moment of complete darkness

Followed by this deafening shattering sound

I woke and realized it had all been a dream
© Tryphena Louise Williams

What's Going On

What's going on inside of me

Please show me my Master Z

All the changes flowing inside

Sometimes I would rather hide

The pain I feel knocks me down

I know it's all GODs holy ground

To heal the pain I must let it go

I surrender it all within the flow

The core of love is where I’m at

In contemplation I mustn't react

A heart of love accepts the way

I love singing HU night and day
© Tryphena Louise Williams

In the Name of Love

It is never too far in the name of love

To fall in love with what can never be

It seems like a tragedy yet we accept

The distance being too far in the fold

Time holds the flow of a loving heart

Another lifetime to wait for the return

Bitter sweet is the taste upon the lips

The heart of love it sings so sweetly

Love is a fading light within the flow

The secret kept that none may know
© Tryphena Louise Williams

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Sing HU to Open Your Heart