Thursday, March 4, 2010

How Life is for Me

By Tryphena Louise Williams (c) 2010

I sat down to write, about my life
Cloaked in love, life was a delight

With feelings of love, when all is free
I sat in contemplation, manifesting my reality

It is here that I am, ever so bold
For the wisdom of ages, I wait to be told

I ask a question, then set it free
Asking the Master, what life needs to be

I open my heart, as I start to sing
Love is my song, my heart its strings

Within each note,  a message so clear
Love is the answer, it's a heart without fear

In life I do trust, I will know what to do
The melody of life, is the sound of the HU

In deep contemplation, I am able to see
Rivers of Light and Sound, streaming from Z

Out on the ocean, so wild and blue
I set sail for home, within the heart of HU

Sailing the oceans, it becomes clear to me
The captain of my own ship, I am to be

It is not ego, that one seeks to know
The journey as written, within the ECK flow

I am a sailor, of the Cosmic Sea
Within all worlds, I seek to know me

Each day I return, to rise with the sun
Realizing my lessons here, are not yet done

Life is a journey, now this is so true
The answers, you're seeking
You'll find, while singing the HU

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