Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Voice of Soul

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

The voice is silent while the mind ponders each passing thought
Clouds float by like spun white fluffy pillows of shimmering light

There is a peace within the heart, a knowing of all this I am apart
A cooling breeze brushes the cheek creating a refreshing respite

The moment is like a time lapse being captured by the eye of soul
Is life real or a projection of thoughts creating this amazing dream

The hand touched the water’s surface watching the rippling effect
Life appeared to alter as the river continued with its aimless flow

Tiny pebbles tangled with spent reeds tumbled beneath the water
Love flooded the heart with such a burning desire to find its truth

One must never seek for the love within the heart to forever flow
Without thought of times passage love shattered the visions hold 

The Archers Arrow

Each thought is like an archers arrow
A flight to be finely tuned and narrow

Thought is like an arrow, it needs a point of impact, the arrow head is shaped like a triangle, for good cause for it being the energy of impact, to the point of one.
The shaft of each arrow of thought, is strong while also being flexible enough to carry the finely tuned vibration of energy to its intended target.

The true archer of the life uses the vibrations of love to manifest the form of each thought

Ensure you know the intended target
The arrow must be prepare for flight
Without any distraction stay focused
A thoughtless powerfully driven flow
A Web Image

A Life of Reflection

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

A river always the mighty river
The love of life an eternal giver

All life it seems to flowed on by
A delicate dancing of a dragonfly

Richly green willows sweeping
The water its secrets of keeping

Ripples of cause became effect
The waters flow we must respect

A summer’s sun the love of now
The rivers wisdom shows us how

A melody of reeds seduced the air

Such was the beauty of being here
How was this world to be this way

The awesome wonder of each day
Birds far yonder their presence felt

A humble seeker with knees knelt
The seeker saw a reflection of life

Maya’s illusions a creation of strife
The passing waters none may hold

A sacred wisdom beckons to unfold
The silent water glistened with light

Blessed are those who see this sight
Photo By Tryphena Louise Williams

What’s Not Too Like

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

We like to like what we see we like
So we tick away with all our might

But really what’s all this liking like
Wouldn’t we rather be flying a kite

Or maybe spend time riding a bike
Come on now let’s put things right

All this time spent here ticking like
Why not put pen to paper and write

Outside the sun is shining so bright
Let’s go outside and enjoy the sight

A comment or too puts things right
Is a liking habit something to fight

With tongue in cheek let’s not skite
Thanks’ for liking my poem tonight

A Contemplation of Love

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

I look into the eyes of my love, and see nothing but love looking back at me
How priceless is this love, we can feel flowing so freely between our hearts

Can we ever fully understand the majestic, poetic nature of such a pure love?
We reach out for each other, to touch and feel the goodness of love within us
How can I ever know you, if I have not found myself within the reality of you?
Your eyes sparkle like diamonds, reflecting upon the mighty ocean of our love
Time appears endless, formless as it passes us by in the silence of the moment
I am of your love and yet I feel I am so far apart from the love we once were
My longing calls out across the oceans, the rivers and mountains, I call for you
An inner silence returns my voice to me, where is the love I have so longed for?
Am I not of you, the Master of the Light and Sound, the essence of all creation?
I call out your name within my heart, I see you everywhere as a reflection of life
What is this I feel passing through me, if not of love I want no more for it to be
The whispers of the wind sung a soft sweet melody deep within as if leading me
I am Soul a divine spark of God, all I am I have always been within all of reality

The Art of Living

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

I listened to hear a voice
I touched to feel its form

I looked to see before me
I watched the early dawn
I talked to the higher self
I walked a pace of leisure
I listened to hear the truth
I lived to find the treasure

The Mirror of Soul

Copyright © 2013 Tryphena Louise Williams

I AM your mirror said the pond
All you see within me is of you

The beauty is of it and yet not

Touch me and I move within it
I AM the illusion of all you see

Every thought is a ripple in me
I the pond am the mirror of all

Only love may see what is thee 
Fear cannot see a heart of love

Look into the eyes of my ocean
I AM the love you see within all

A mirror of life a knowing soul
Love is the mirror of who I AM


Changes Ahead

I've decided to terminate my friendship with Procrastination

This will give me more time with my friend Self Motivation
Procrastination had lazy habits that I could no longer ignore
Our friendship came to the point where things were a chore
Enthusiasm and Encouragement came knocking on my door

In walks my old friend focus saying here something for you

With my negative past habits now sorted I knew what to do

 ~ Tryphena ~

( This nonsense poem is about how I had felt trapped by my own lack)

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Weaver

With the fading colours of a spent flowers bloom

The weaver wove new patterns through the loom

Each thread transformed the design of one’s life

The darkening colours depicting battles of strife

Time was of no matter as the weaver worked on

Each thread as woven captured a melody of song

The sound of the loom being pushed back and forth

Attention to detail as every thread must be caught

Each thread of thought twisting a design of choice

The weaver sat in silence with no need for a voice
~ Tryphena ~


Of all the places I'm choosing to be
God's loving heart feels right for me

Each chosen path has a golden light
Soul must seek what it feels is right 

The passing shadows tempt a sway

Too many thoughts filling each day

A compass needle each cycles hold
The truth of God can never be sold

~ Tryphena ~

A Secret Garden

Close your eyes and look for me

My heart rests the fields beyond

I'll wait for thee under the moon
Where the willows touch the river

The wind will carry my love to you
A dream world where love's forever

I am lost in my longing for our love
Heavenly bliss is our field of dreams

Love is lost in the silence of the moon
I’ve longed for my heart to meet you

Time took love into the heart of sleep

Was forever to be a keeper of my love
Am I ever to wake up from this dream

~ Tryphena ~

A Blaze Within the Light

A strange wind blew on this night

Change filled the footsteps of Soul
I looked into the blazing light of all
Into the light I threw all my desires
A void of all needing I was no more
Within the Light one could never be
I am a dweller of love of all eternity



An omnipresent of being yet nothingness
A space without dimension or reasoning

The alone beckoning within the seeker
Am I all this that I cannot see nor touch

Not a sound in the absence of all words
~ Tryphena ~

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